Overwrite versus replacing filter during changes?

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Overwrite versus replacing filter during changes?

Post by Unregistered »

Any chance it might be possible to overwrite a filter rather than remove and add when staff make filter changes?

For example, https://hg.adblockplus.org/easylist/rev/fbbcce62c340

The way it appears to work currently is that any change to a filter will undo any end user attempts to have that filter disabled so that every change that occurs to the filter silently re-enables it without any user notice or interaction. Might it be possible to just overwrite filters when changes are made, which would hopefully retain the end users settings for them, versus the current method? Is that even a possibility?

So that instead of a change such as

1.12 -@@||googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?$domain=drumstick.com|ebuyer.com|google.com
1.13 +@@||googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?$domain=drumstick.com|ebuyer.com|google.com|toto.co.jp

it would just overwrite the filter with the change leaving it otherwise intact versus it appearing like it is an entirely new and independent filter from the previous one. Would that allow the end users settings for a particular filter to remain intact during any changes to it versus it being reset every time a filter was changed?

Thanks for the consideration.
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gymka Verified
EasyList Lithuania Author
EasyList Lithuania Author
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Post by gymka Verified »

simple workaround: if you want to disable filter, write your own whitelist filter for that rule, then it will always be disabled :)
"To born stupid is not shame, just to die stupid is shameful." E. M. Remarque

Post by Unregistered »

Does that workaround apply to creating custom block filters to undo a whitelist also?

So using the above example, I can create a custom ||googletagmanager.com^ filter which would always disable the whitelist filter for @@||googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?$domain=drumstick.com|ebuyer.com|google.com|toto.co.jp?

I was thinking whitelists overruled blocking filters since there are sometimes both in filter subscriptions. Or does a custom filter overrule a whitelist where as a blocking rule within the same filter doesn't?

These are the googletagmanager filters in my subscription.


Will a custom filter for ||googletagmanager.com^ make it so that whitelisted filter always remains disabled even if it were to re-enable itself at some point in the future (likewise, applying that same principle to other whitelisted filters I'd like to permanently disable)?

Thank you.