List for well-behaved adverts

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List for well-behaved adverts

Post by michaeljt »

I'm sure I'm not the first person to ask about this, but I would love to use an ADP list which blocks adverts (and Facebook buttons) which spy on me, or ones which noticeably slow down web page loading, while still letting through reasonable ones which do not. (I don't know if I would try to define further what "reasonable" is - I suppose if someone wants half of their web page to be an advert I respect that and just avoid the site.) Obviously the reason is that many web pages depend on advertising revenue to keep functioning, and I would like to fund the service they provide me in this relatively painless way; filtering just the nasty adverts would be an incentive for advertisers to behave themselves though.

Does EasyList have anything like this, or any plans for it?
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Post by arflech »

no, but ABP itself is maintaining a list like it: ... block-plus
Ares2 Verified
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Post by Ares2 Verified »

michaeljt wrote:which spy on me
As it looks now and at least for the forseeable future, when you allow acceptable ads you will have to accept certain privacy implications that come with that.

I actually haven't come across many sites that use no tracking mechanisms at all while still having ads on them, so a list of such sites that make everything right might indeed be interesting, I don't think it exists yet though.