adblock openwrt easylist spanish

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adblock openwrt easylist spanish

Post by xeonpj »

Hello friends. I would like to add these lists to the openwrt adblock, but I have no way to read the file well. I have no knowledge of awk, and the fonts that are created (some easylist from other languages), I copy the awk configuration but it does not read all the lines in the list. Do you know any or do you have these lists working?

thanks for everything.

adblock example:
Add a new blocklist source:

The easy way ...
Example: https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus. ... sylist.txt
Adblock already supports an easylist source, called 'reg_ru'. To add the additional local easylist as a new source, copy the existing config source section and change only the source name, the url and the description - that's all!
config source 'reg_ro'
option enabled '0'
option adb_src 'https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus. ... sylist.txt'
option adb_src_rset 'BEGIN{FS=\"[|^]\"}/^\|\|([^([:space:]|#|\*|\/).]+\.)+[[:alpha:]]+\^("\\\$third-party")?$/{print tolower(\$3)}'
option adb_src_desc 'focus on romanian ads plus generic easylist additions, weekly updates, approx. 9.400 entries'
A bit harder ...
To add a really new source with different domain/host format you have to write a suitable awk one-liner on your own, so basic awk skills are needed. As a starting point check the already existing awk rulesets adb_src_rset in the config file, probably you need only small changes for your individual list. Download the desired list and test your new awk string locally. The output result should be a sequential list with one domain/host per line - nothing more. If your awk one-liner works quite well, add a new source section to the adblock config file and test the new source.

lists that I want to add and don't work:
intense Verified
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Joined: Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:56 am

Post by intense Verified »

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