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uBO: Why does "Block Element" not always appear?

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 7:46 pm
by KittyKate

Sometimes I will visit a page, see something that I want to block (often not an ad), right click the uBO icon, aaand... the "Block element..." menu item is not there.

"uBlock Origin" and "This can read and change..." are there, but not the option that should be between them. I can reload the page and it is still gone, restart my browser and go back to the page and it is still gone until suddenly, I look again at some other time (same page) and it is there again.

Why does this happen?

Re: uBO: Why does "Block Element" not always appear?

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 10:29 am
by intense

open a discussion here: ... iscussions

providing clear examples of your issue