EasyList CSS filter

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EasyList CSS filter

Post by miknos »

Hope you read this rick752. I found a good CSS filter at http://www.floppymoose.com which works with ANY web browser. What is the chance you could do your list in a CSS format? Web Browser is a personal choice, some people prefer Safari, Opera, Firefox, Shiira and even IE :?

Your subscription list changed my life (I'm not kidding)!!!

The difference to make my world perfect would be to use adblock plus in my favorite web browser, and I'm sure I'm not the one who think that way. The best way to solve this would be with a CSS filter. Floppymoose made a pretty good job with a 4kb only file! Block most ads but not from flash videos nor correct frames used by ads (like EasyElemnt).

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Post by chewey »

miknos wrote:What is the chance you could do your list in a CSS format?
I'm not rick, but I'll answer to that part anyhow :-) :
None, sorry.

That's because ABP works on a lower level, actually blocking elements, i.e. preventing them
to be downloaded in the first place. CSS can only hide stuff in pages, so everything still gets
downloaded: No bandwidth saved, and all external scripts still are downloaded and executed.

There is just no way to replicate ABP's functionality with just CSS.
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Post by miknos »

Thanks Chewey.

I thought the CSS really blocked ads since the pages render more faster in Safari, but probably because Safari is faster than firefox.

Two questions.:
-When you use a modified host or proxy (like proxomitron or privoxy) does the page takes more to load, since It has to check what is permitted first?

-What adblock plus (EasyList and EasyElement) alternative we have in Safari (mac os X) ? I tried "Pith Helmet", "SafariBlock", "css filter", "Privoxy"... and the list goes on... All seems good but the problem is the filter list. That's why I was asking for rick752 to implement his list on those alternatives. Competition between browser is necessary.
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Post by Stupid Head »

Using a proxy is probably negligibly slower than using ABP, but there won't be any noticeable difference. I think you named all the Safari solutions, so looks like you'll have to grin and bear it if you want to stick with it.
What, me worry?
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Post by rick752 »

Sorry miknos:

I'm already dealing with three separate subscriptions with input from a couple of million subscribers. Creating even another type of subscription is more than I want to handle at the moment. The EasyElement is already created for CSS rules ... unfortunately many are "ABP specific" rules.

The problem with the filterlists for the other adblockers is that they don't have the option of the different filter 'switches' that ABP can use. This makes it a problem to use my filtering with other adblockers. I know some are using the filters without the whitelisting ability and/or those 'ABP specific' commands .... but I guess an '85% effective' EasyList is better than nothing though. :wink:

Btw, the speed of the EasyList will only be realized in ABP because it is optimized for Wladimir's program ... and no one else's.
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