distrowatch.com is NOT a false positive.

Here you should report unblocked ads, trackers, social media items, annoyances or leftovers from blocked content.
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distrowatch.com is NOT a false positive.

Post by commenter »

Please, remove distrowatch.com from the whitelist.
Just go there and see for yourselves their "legitimate" images. If one want's to see their ads one whitelists them.
If EasyList keeps them whitelisted we have to disable the whitelisted entry everytime (since it is enabled again when the list is updated).

-edit- today their ads are in @@||distrowatch.com/images/nixjuup/$image (but they keep changing to circumvent the EasyList). They should NOT be whitelisted. Thank you!
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Post by commenter »

Look guys. I've been browsing that site several days a week for quite some time. They always circumvent Adblock Plus and Easylist but then I (and anyone) can add a general flter and if I want to see some image (or ad - they intentionally mix them) I temporarily disable it.
But please, do not put them in the whitelist.

I'm confident that if even one line of distrowatch.com is whitelisted, the same day they would point their ads to it.
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Post by Erunno »

Michael handles Distrowatch so I'll not touch it again for the time being.
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Post by bee »

Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D
yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :idea: that's a good idea!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin: :idea: :idea: remove all the white listed entries related to distrowatch.com!!!!!!!!!!! :surprised: :surprised: :D :D :D :idea: and don't add newest :idea: :idea: this is super!!!! :D :D This could finally end our fight against the blind distros watcher :-? :roll: :roll: :?: :?:

bye!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
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Post by Michael Verified »

Removed (https://hg.adblockplus.org/easylist/rev/88f5b5cba3c9)

Code: Select all

The problems with Distrowatch only occur because Ladislav moves the images after the filters have been adjusted; I do not intentionally whitelist adverts. Currently, although the distro images are blocked, images in the features, such as DistroWatch Weekly, remain available. What would you suggest that the course of action should be?
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Post by bee »

Michael wrote:What would you suggest that the course of action should be?
Why not moving ahead of their turn!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :idea:
Remove all the white-listed items!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :D :D :D :idea: so they couldn't anymore move the images after that the filters have been adjusted :D :D :D :idea:

Code: Select all

    1.11  @@||distrowatch.com/images/apps/$image
1.13 @@||distrowatch.com/images/icon-large/$image
1.14 @@||distrowatch.com/images/icon-small/$image
1.18 @@||distrowatch.com/images/people/$image
1.19 @@||distrowatch.com/images/screenshots/$image
...is anything left???!!!!!
but keep this blocking filter ||distrowatch.com^$image!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :idea: :idea: :D

bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
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Post by commenter »

Hi Michael. thank you for your quick response.
Yes, Ladislav always circumvents Easy List. But traditionally because of that Adblock wouldn't block their ads but we could choose to add the filter ourselves. When some entries were whitelisted the problem was there was no way to block them since they were being whitelisted again at the list update.
It seems the way it is now all images are being blocked (they are getting caught with ||distrowatch.com^*.png|$image ).
For what should be done, maybe you should know more (if you keep or not the filters) because I don't know if people will complain with you about them being blocked, but for sure they shouldn't be whitelisted.
Thank you!
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Post by Michael Verified »

The essential problem is that there are no permanent distinguishing features that allow the adverts to be exclusively blocked. Once a filter is added for an item the only way to allow it to be displayed is by whitelisting. It is an unfortunate option, especially when the administrators move the adverts, but it is also the only option.

I know it seems an unusual response, but what would other developers feel about potentially blocking all images on the site? Feel free to respond in the development forum if you wish.
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Post by commenter »

That (putting the ad and no ad images in the same basket) is a decision Ladislav took. Maybe he thinks this way the ads will at least some time be seen.
I'm no developer, I'm just an Internet browser. For me it would be fine if the images are blocked (and I don't think that is wrong because that depends uniquely on the page developer choice) but it would be ok if they are not blocked too by default (and one ads the filter if one wants to).
I just don't know if people would interpret the blocking as a false positive (which it isn't of course) or would keep asking you guys to block Distrowatch because the ads aren't being caught (and as we know, just can't be).
I don't even know if they have all that traffic. Maybe if you get many complaints (not only about distrowatch but for similar cases too), you could put a sticky post about the choice you made (blocking or letting pass by default).

I just think you shouldn't waste your time with the developers that keep playing cat and mouse - so leave them out of easylist's whitelist.