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Adding Dooble Web Browser to your sites

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:32 am
by easylist4dooble
Hello is an open source browser, which used Qt/Webkit Engine and will be soon new out in version 2.0 with the new Qt Webengine.

Here in 2.0 also a preset of blocked advertising websites is integrated.
you will find it here: ... omains.txt

Maybe you want to link Dooble on your sites already, or create here an own Forum fpr Dooble Web Browser, for the upcoming release?

The 2.0 Version has a context menu, you ciick on the ad, and the Domain of the ad is in the blocklist.
It would be nice, if you accompany the blocklist and provide help and contributions to let it further grow, also the usage of Dooble, as it is really open source and not a company with whiteliste-ads behind it.

the Blocked list ist just a txt with the to be blocked domains, no more currently behind it and this means, the easy list format is not pased yet in the codeing. Dont know, if someone wants to code a parser in c++ into dooble, to make Easylists integrateable, but for now the domainlist is fine and maybe you want to support it or help in adding your most used domains from the easylist.

if you can make a repository here, and collect some further entries, this would be an amazing project.

Dooble is open source and could also adopted by you - as an own browser from Easylist. The Easylist browser, though it is a simple and small browser currently and has just the needed basic functios, but it is workable.

thanks for exploring and creating something. 2.0 will be soon released.