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On The Internet, Nobody Knows You’re A Dog

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 7:47 am
by smed79
« On The Internet, Nobody Knows You’re A Dog » is a popular proverb used to describe anonymity on the Internet. The legend appeared for the first time under a cartoon by Peter Steiner, published in the "New Yorker" of July 5, 1993. It is still used today when we talk about issues around online identity. Today, with everything we do on the web, be it social or professional networks, dating sites, buying and selling or classified ads sites, the need to know who we are really is stronger than ever.
A fun and educational video that you can show your daughters :-)

Re: On The Internet, Nobody Knows You’re A Dog

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 2:46 am
by gotitbro
Just so you know I identify as a duck...

There was even a show called "Dog with a Blog" which probably took inspiration from this. Also, it appears that this is a common phrase regarding online anonymity:

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