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An open letter to EasylList

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2023 10:28 am
by Admitad

Name: Admitad
Subject: An open letter to EasylList
Has entered the following message into the contact form:

Dear EasyList,

While we have a high level of respect for the work you do in improving the online experience of your users, we have been forced to take exception to the allegations and accusations leveled against us, our business and our team during communications with you since your decision to add our website domain,, to your block list on January 16th, 2023.

This open letter is written and published in the name of openness, transparency and in the hope of reconciliation.

To us, the blocking of our company’s top-level domain was highly unfair. We openly oppose this decision, as we do its implications that our website - and thus our company as a whole - is somehow undesirable or dangerous to your users, “unwanted content from the internet”, as your website puts it. is an informational website like any other homepage - one that describes us, our products and our services. It contains none of the advertising types or techniques your product is designed to filter out.

Is it really EasyList’s duty to police the websites its users visit - and visit voluntarily? What happened to free will and their users’ ability to choose for themselves which information they access and digest?

This instance of your product overstepping its boundaries makes one wonder - which other companies have fallen foul of EasyList and have found themselves on EasyList’s block list? What was the criteria EasyList judged them on? How deep does EasyList’s control over what its users see and do online really go?

When our manager reached out to you to ask you to reconsider the blocking of our homepage, the response she received was rude and unprofessional to say the least.

But again we try to open a constructive dialogue. We repeat: we support your mission of clearing the internet of unfiltered advertising. We, as a user-focused company, share these interests and are more than willing to find ways to collaborate with you on forwarding them.

Your users would probably agree with us if you gave them the opportunity to find out for themselves.

Therefore, we kindly and openly ask you to respect the rights of our shared users, of which there are many, and stop blocking sites that have nothing to do with your own blocking policy.

We remain open to a fair, respectful conversation - one that will hopefully result in the removing of our parent domain from your block list.

Thank you,
Your Admitad Team