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Search Results Whitelist

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 5:14 am
by mekineer
I am working on a project to filter Google search results to websites using only their own domain for resources, plus some domains in a whitelist. Does anyone have any ideas on any whitelists in existence? Any ideas on some domains you would whitelist?

Or do you think it would be better to filter search results with some existing blacklists? I want to do web searches for a less commercialized web, but how this tool would be used could be up to the user, where the user selects the whitelists or blacklists in returning search results.

I may require hundreds of search results, to build a list of 10 filtered results, depending on the criteria.

What I'm getting at, is that, similar to the subscription lists for adblockers, people could have a tool with subscriptions that improves search results, so there is not only what Google or Bing want to serve you. You could enable/disable certain subscriptions to quickly change the type of web search you want.

I cross-posted this on reddit ublock origin. Sorry, I'm trying to get some feedback. I know there are alternative search engines (and they are dismal). I'd simply like something I have more control over. Please someone say something. I feel like I'm talking into the vacuum of space.

Re: Search Results Whitelist

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 6:18 pm
by mekineer
Which of the following resource domains are used by the most commercial or insidious websites?

Hotjar newrelic crazyegg fullstory optimizely logrocket monsido doubleclick