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How are multiple abort-current-inline-script tags handled?

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 3:10 pm
by Danger Lampost
Can someone help me understand if this is a bug or a misunderstanding on my part? Does the order of multiple abort-current-inline-script tags make a difference? I'm looking at a rule that looks like this, that I added in the 'my filter list' section of the ABP settings:

Code: Select all$#abort-current-inline-script document.createElement String.fromCharCode; abort-current-inline-script document.createElement window.removeEventListener; 
In my web page, I have an inline script that matches the second snippet filter but not the first, and the script is not blocked. If I simply swap the order of the filters around, like this, now my inline script is blocked as I expected:

Code: Select all$#abort-current-inline-script document.createElement window.removeEventListener;abort-current-inline-script document.createElement String.fromCharCode;
Why does the order here matter? Can someone help me understand what I'm misisng?

Re: How are multiple abort-current-inline-script tags handled?

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 8:47 pm
by intense
How do you know your inline script is blocked ?
I see no removeEventListener in that page

Re: How are multiple abort-current-inline-script tags handled?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 6:11 am
by smed79

For which site you want to apply your filter, or ?

Please, provide an example page/website.


You can shorter you filter as below

Code: Select all$#abort-current-inline-script document.createElement /String.fromCharCode|window.removeEventListener/