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Forcing extension compatibility in Firefox 3 RC1

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:34 pm
by rick752
Thanx to Lanik, I just found out that the Mr Tech Toolkit alpha IS Mr Tech Local Install with just a fancy new name. It even overwrites the Local Install extension. So just install this instead as it is compatible with Fx3 RC1:

So, "Never mind". I took my 'bumped' version down.

I have just created a 'bumped' version of the Mr Tech Local Install extension for Firefox 3 RC1 (changed maxversion to 3.0.*)
It is here:
Just right-click .. save link as. Then drag the file into your Firefox window.

This will allow easy installation of Mr Tech (funny that the program the makes extensions compatible isn't compatible itself :roll: ).

After Mr Tech is installed, you can use it to override the maxversion of other extensions that have been disabled after updating to Firefox 3RC1 by right-clicking on them in the Firefox's Add-ons directory and selecting "Make compatible".

Mr Tech also allows any extension that isn't marked 'compatible' to be installed too (see mouse pointer):
mrtech.jpg (31.31 KiB) Viewed 12649 times
Warning ... this could have unwanted results if the extension conflicts with new changes in Firefox 3. You will have to test these on your own.

Tab Mix Plus has a "release candidate" available and IE Tab will update to another version. I really only had to override Mouse Gestures and Permit Cookies. All else is working fine except my Blue Ice theme (it needs to be updated).

These are my working extensions now:
bumped.jpg (113.51 KiB) Viewed 12635 times

Re: Forcing extension compatibility in Firefox 3 RC1

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 11:43 pm
by LanikSJ
rick752 wrote:This will allow easy installation of Mr Tech (funny that the program the makes extensions compatible isn't compatible itself :roll: ).
There is a compatible version out already and its no longer called Local Install. Its called Toolkit 6.0 alpha:

Re: Forcing extension compatibility in Firefox 3 RC1

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 11:50 pm
by rick752
Lanik wrote:
rick752 wrote:This will allow easy installation of Mr Tech (funny that the program the makes extensions compatible isn't compatible itself :roll: ).
There is a compatible version out already and its no longer called Local Install. Its called Toolkit 6.0 alpha:
Ah, no kidding, Lanik? I saw you talking about that over on DSLR but I thought that it was something different that contained the same feature (sounded much bigger). So I take it that Toolkit is just the new name for Local Install?

Re: Forcing extension compatibility in Firefox 3 RC1

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:11 am
by LanikSJ
rick752 wrote:So I take it that Toolkit is just the new name for Local Install?
Yes it is. :)

When mrtech (Mel Reyes) originally wrote the extension the only intent was to allow the installation of extensions/themes from your hard drive. Features were added and the extension grew way beyond its original scope, thus Mel decided to change its name, because lets face it Local Install no longer accurately describes of what the extension is capable off.

Re: Forcing extension compatibility in Firefox 3 RC1

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:18 am
by rick752
I agree. I ALWAYS thought that the name was confusing as to exactly what the extension did. It was only because of all the chatter about it on the DSLR boards did I actually know what kind of extension it was .... that's what prompted me to download it in the first place. It's a great 'geek' extension :ubergeek:

Re: Forcing extension compatibility in Firefox 3 RC1

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:37 am
by LanikSJ
There is also more you have to do to make sure Fx3 ignores incompatible extensions. Create this entry: in about:config and restart Fx. Did I mention RC2 is out next week. :mrgreen:

The post in question on DSLR:

Re: Forcing extension compatibility in Firefox 3 RC1

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:27 am
by rick752
I had those strings set in config when I installed the 3b5. Mr Tech works fine for that. I really don't see any reason to make those strings as long as Mr Tech does what it does. Haven't had any problem yet.

Yeah, I saw the RC2 post when we were posting in DSLR and I read the article. The guys at Mozilla seem to be working their butts off to have this thing 'nicely packaged' when they finally release 3.0 :D . They have certainly moved a lot farther than they expected at this point. Great job, Mozilla!

I finally just installed RC1 about 6 hours ago on my computer. I must say, I'm VERY impressed with the rendering speed ... especially on javascript-heavy pages! I hated all the bookmark thingies, so I deleted all those new folders that it creates. I sure hope that someone fixes my Blue Ice theme so it looks right in 3.

Re: Forcing extension compatibility in Firefox 3 RC1

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:45 am
by LanikSJ
rick752 wrote:I really don't see any reason to make those strings as long as Mr Tech does what it does. Haven't had any problem yet.
Toolkit will allow you make all your extensions work with 3.0 by changing its MaxVersion the above about:config entry will actually allow you to install it.

Re: Forcing extension compatibility in Firefox 3 RC1

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:51 am
by rick752
Lanik wrote:.... the above about:config entry will actually allow you to install it.
But isn't that what the checkbox above the mouse pointer in my first screenshot supposed to do?

Re: Forcing extension compatibility in Firefox 3 RC1

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:27 am
by LanikSJ
The operative word here being supposed to :P I haven't tried taking the about:config entry out and install what Fx deems as an incompatible extension, it might work without it, in the earlier days of testing it didn't so I just stuck with it.

Re: Forcing extension compatibility in Firefox 3 RC1

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 9:22 pm
by jade
I use this addon to force extension compatibility:

Nightly Tester Tools:

As its name implies, its an addon for those who test the nightly builds of firefox. Once its installed, it adds an "override all compatibility" option in your tools | addons window. click that option and its all taken care of.

it also gives you an override option if you try to install an addon that's meant for an older version of firefox.

One tip: the official site detects your firefox version and greys out the "install" button on addons if your firefox is newer than what the addon you are viewing supports. If this happens, just click the "all versions" link. The same updated version will be displayed at the top of the list, with no greying out, allowing you to force the install without having to spoof your user agent ^_^

Re: Forcing extension compatibility in Firefox 3 RC1

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:45 pm
by rick752
Jade, we already know what it does. Both of us have used that for a long time. The thing I didn't know is that "Mr Tech's Locale Install" had changed names to "Mr Tech's Toolkit" when a Firefox 3 compatible version was made.

I actually took the old Mr Tech apart and made it compatible in Firefox 3 ... and then found out that it wasn't necessary to do. :roll: