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Post by hellfire »

I don't know if a popup that asks you to do something count as annoyance but for me it's annoying. Facebook keep asking me to turn on notifications that i don't want to, and i really want to get rid of it. Clicking on "not now" doesn't get rid of it, it will appear later.

It happens on main page:

Code: Select all

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Post by intense Verified »

new annoyance ==> on the right column (chat column) ==> BUSINESSES FOR YOU

for ABP:

Code: Select all

facebook.com#?#[data-testid="chat_sidebar"] > DIV:-abp-contains(BUSINESSES)
for uBo:

Code: Select all

facebook.com##[data-testid="chat_sidebar"] > DIV:has-text(BUSINESSES)
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Post by smed79 Verified »

@intense So we need a specific filter for each language?

PS: FYI, I have locked the old FB topic (62&t=38181)
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Post by intense Verified »

Could be, I'm using the english one. Did you see the french / AR version ?
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Post by smed79 Verified »

I ask because, for example for YT in this case #p123541 the text changes in relation to the language of the site: AD / ANNONCE / إعلان / 广告
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Post by hellfire »

any change to get rid of facebook-notification popup using filters? i'm not good at writing filters
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Post by smed79 Verified »

[mention]intense[/mention] can you check please.
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Post by intense Verified »

It's not so simple, the scrolling seems to be inhibited without clicking one of the options.
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Post by intense Verified »

You could try:
- turn ON what FB is asking
- when a notification is appearing on your PC (in the tray) try right clicking on it and turn it OFF.
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Post by intense Verified »

Should be already hidden / blocked (the sponsored stuff). I see no such posts.
Did you update your lists ?

browser (version) ?
adblocker (version) ?
filter lists enabled ?
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Post by kellyclowers »

not the above poster, but I am getting facebook "sponsored" ads too.

Firefox 58.0a1 (2017-10-10) (64 bit)
Adblock Plus dev build 2.99.0 (webextension version)
"acceptable ads" is off

EasyList (auto update blocked at work, but placing the manually downloaded txt from today in the extension folder and clicking update made it say "updating..." for a while and now says it was updated a few minutes ago. Also restarted browser)
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Post by intense Verified »

If you see the sponsored only at work, you should add all the facebook filters from easylist as custom filters.
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Post by nwojen »

I'm also seeing sponsored ads all the time. Did updates just now and it's still there.

Firefox 56.0 (64bits) - latest
Adblock Plus 2.9.1 - latest
filters turned on
"acceptable ads" off
EasyList updated now (19/10/17 9:03 UTC+2)
AdBlock active on FB
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Post by intense Verified »

Install the last beta build (ABP)
https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addo ... sions/beta

2.9.1 is outdated
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Post by nwojen »

Ok, I updated ABP to latest beta ( and I'm still seeing sponsored ads.
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Post by intense Verified »

Could you upload a screenshot where I can see those sponsored posts ?
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Post by apokroton »

Hi, here a screenshot

thanks for investiganting.
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Post by smed79 Verified »

@apokroton test this filter

Code: Select all

[mention]Khrin[/mention] fyi.
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Post by apokroton »

Sorry I have to adjust my statement with a new different image (a different problem?) in the main column:
"Interesting news from pages that you appreciate"
.... but I NEVER clicked on the page called "O Macaseno" !!! is not curious?
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Post by intense Verified »

What about the sponsored posts ? (Sponsorizzata)
Provide always your feedback.
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Post by intense Verified »

- if you see something like "People you could know" / or in italian "Gente / Persone che potresti conoscere" try this filter


Code: Select all

facebook.com#?#.fbUserStory:-abp-contains(People you)
italian (put the exact words or only the first of them)

Code: Select all

facebook.com#?#.fbUserStory:-abp-contains(Persone che)
- for "notizie interessanti" try something similar (I cannot reproduce right now):

Code: Select all

facebook.com#?#.fbUserStory:-abp-contains(Notizie interessanti)
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Post by nwojen »

I'm having the same issue as apokroton.
Here's the example of an ad: https://image.ibb.co/mKhErR/spam.jpg

I've modified the filter you proposed and created this one:

Code: Select all

facebook.com#?#div[id^="hyperfeed_story_id_"]:-abp-has(a:-abp-contains("Proponowany post"))
But it's not solving it.
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Post by smed79 Verified »

Test without the quotation mark (") in your filter

Code: Select all

facebook.com#?#div[id^="hyperfeed_story_id_"]:-abp-has(a:-abp-contains(Proponowany post))
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Post by nwojen »

Not working either...
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Post by intense Verified »


Code: Select all

I guess you are using ABP, right ?
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Post by nwojen »

That one doesn't work either.

Yes, I'm using ABP as stated previously.
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Post by intense Verified »

When you get again the sponsored stuff right click on page and save the page (you'll get a html page and a folder).
Zip it all and upload it on some server. PM me with the link.
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Post by germaloney11 »

Would you be able to post the custom filter for Sponsored Ads on facebook please? I'm using AdBlock ("getadblock" not "Plus"). Can AdBlock use the same custom filters as ABP?

These are the ads I'm seeing:


Code: Select all

On timeline:

Code: Select all


Google Chrome
AdBlock 3.18.0
Custom filters, EasyList, EasyPrivacy, Fanboy's Cookiemonster List
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Post by intense Verified »

AB should work as ABP (is using the same "engine"), but sometimes with some delay ..

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Post by germaloney11 »

Do you mean a delay in the custom filter working? Unfortunately I'm still seeing sponsored ads on my feed and also on the sidebar.