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Post by photonman »

Hey guys,

I want to start out by saying that I love adblock. I feel that way too many people abuse ads with popups, cluttering and just harm the overall experience. But I am here to request a whitelist.

You see I am a stock photographer, it's my main income source and I have been struggling. Some websites, like Getty images, charge up to $$$ of dollars for a general, nondescript, picture of the white house (seriously no joke, I am not saying that picture isn't good, I am just saying way too many can't afford paying $575 for 1 picture to use in an personal, academic or even small commercial work and that is where comes in. is a website with a few thousand photographers that offer free and good quality pictures that can be used for almost anything whether personal, commercial or academic, it just doesn't let you re-publish or redistribute (no selling notebooks with those pictures as cover) (check their licensing page for more info) and the way both the website and we photographers make money is from ads.

My pictures got an estimated 7170 views from March 1st, 2017 till March 31st, 2017, however, according to my adsense account I have only gotten 527 pageviews in the same time period, less than 8%, this hurts me, a lot.

Now if you go to the website you can see that it is not an ad filled clutterball of a page, three ad spaces and that is all and for pictures it's the same deal (Disclosure, this is one of my pictures), up to three ad spaces. Now these three ad spaces are what give me, and many other photographers the money to keep giving back to the community free and good looking pictures that can be used for just about anything you need to do. It helps small business, students and almost anyone who wants to use a picture, whether to show off mad photoshop skillz or just make a banner for the family's facebook group.

So I urge you, please help us keep doing what we do and whitelist

If you want to see more of my work this is my portfolio:
And if you happen to find my art interesting or amusing, I setup a patreon page

Thank you for your time
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Moved from EasyList Subscriptions to Report incorrectly removed content on Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:45 am by LanikSJ Verified

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LanikSJ Verified
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Post by LanikSJ Verified »

Sounds like what ABP AA program usually handles:
"If it ain't broke don't fix it."